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Kyle & Nick Page 3

  I was confused for a few seconds until he gave a pointed look down to my dick. Oh. Stammering like a moron, I finally found my words. “Um, not to touch it without permission.”

  He glanced at my phone. “Now you can ask if you need to.”

  I looked like a fish…mouth hanging open and a stupid blank expression on my face. Kyle thought it was funny or something like that because he grinned. It was a wicked one. Understanding that he was probably expecting a reply, I nodded. It was the best I could do.

  “Are you okay to drive home? You seem…kinda wobbly.” He cocked his head, his expression doubtful.

  I shook my head to clear away the sex-soaked cobwebs. “Um. I’ll be careful. It’s not far.”

  “A couple of minutes, but a lot can happen even when you’re driving around the block.”

  “How did you? Um…” Stalker much?

  “You know where I live, don’t you?” He looked skeptical like I’d better not lie to him.

  Shifting, trying not to look any guiltier than I probably already did, I nodded. He knew where I lived! I was going to turn into one of those teenage girls who’d followed him around nearly fainting when he smiled at them if he kept doing shit like this to me. Sweet and funny on one side and sexy with a filthy imagination on the other. So damned perfect.

  “I have no idea how this happened.” Now I looked like an idiot.

  He threw his head back and laughed. Then stepped closer with heat pouring from his gaze. “This happened because you’re a naughty little guy who made me want all kinds of dirty things. Now go home before I show you more of what I want to do to you.”

  Please, yes, was what I wanted to say. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Don’t forget to leave your cock alone.”

  The growl in his voice made my knees weak, and I grabbed on to the car. I was hallucinating; that had to be it. I was in a coma and this was all a huge fantasy. Or maybe I’d been kidnapped by aliens? Kyle must have thought I was distracted or too tired because he frowned and shook his head. “I’m going to follow you home.”

  Nodding like a bobblehead doll, I got into the car. The drive was short and thankfully uneventful, even though I kept looking in the rearview mirror to watch him. If either of us was a stalker, it was me. When I pulled into the driveway, he stopped and got out of his car. Walking over to mine, he waited while I climbed out.

  “Dinner tomorrow.”

  I was a little more functional now. “Yes, Sir. Six o’clock.”

  “Are you out to your parents?”

  “Um, not really. It’s never come up. My mom’s…a worrier and well…finding someone at school…well…didn’t seem worth it.” I didn’t think they’d care. My dad had probably guessed already. He’d thought it was weird that I didn’t want to ask anyone to prom. Mom just said I wasn’t ready yet and seemed to take great delight in it. Only child syndrome.

  “Then I’ll pick you up as a friend.” Decisive and firm, he looked like he’d made the choice and that was it.

  “Are you…well…are you…” I wasn’t even sure how to ask it because I couldn’t tell if he was gay or bi or crazy enough to be attracted to my kink.

  “I’m bi. My parents know. They think it’s one of those ‘experimental phases’ and I’ll grow out of it.” He shrugged like it didn’t matter but I wasn’t so sure. “I’m gone at the end of the summer anyway, so it doesn’t make a difference.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. My conversations with people at school always revolved around classes or other kids. This was new territory. “Okay.”

  He was watching me intently, and I was so focused on his expression that I almost missed the fact that he’d stepped even closer. When he was almost touching me, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

  I died. Right there on the driveway.

  I was being kissed by the most perfect guy…ever. And it was the most perfect kiss…ever. Not that I had anything to compare it with, but I knew that with anyone else there wouldn’t have been fireworks. It was short and tender and he wasn’t even touching anything else but sparks were shooting from my mouth all the way to my toes. I wanted it to keep going, but he pulled away.

  “Tomorrow, little guy.”

  “Tomorrow. Yes. Yes, Sir.” And my brain wasn’t working again. My dick was though—it was already starting to twitch. Just thinking I wasn’t going to be able to touch it got me even more aroused.

  “Night, slut.”

  Could you be in love before your first date?

  Hearing the blast of Kyle’s horn as his car pulled into the driveway, I grabbed my backpack and headed for the stairs. Not sure where my parents were in the house, I hollered, “Bye! Heading out with a friend for a few minutes before work. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I reached the bottom of the stairs, turned the corner, and almost ran into my dad. “Oh. Sorry, didn’t mean to scream at you. I’m heading out—”

  He interrupted before I could finish. “I need to talk to you for a moment. I meant to do this earlier but then…” His voice trailed off and he took a deep breath. What the hell?

  I opened my mouth to ask him if everything was okay but he started talking again before I could get the sentence out. He was weird and nervous and still tripping over his words. “Your mother was worried about you staying out late so I said I’d listen for you. I wasn’t waiting up, but when I heard you pull into the driveway, I got to up to check and make sure it was you.”

  Oh, I didn’t like where this was going.

  “We’ve always respected your privacy. I know your mother can be a bit overprotective, but I want you to know you can come to us with anything.” He looked constipated. Like he’d rather be anywhere else. “Do you have any questions about…”

  Dear God, he was trying to give me the sex talk!

  “No! I’m good.”

  He looked relieved. I hoped we were going to pretend this conversation never happened, but he kept going. What gods had I pissed off lately?

  “I noticed your friend followed you home last night. Is that him outside?” He asked it carefully like he’d been rehearsing it.


  Dad took another deep breath. “Is he nice to you? I mean, you…”

  Where was a bolt of lightning when I needed one or a tornado or an earthquake? “He’s nice. We’re good.”

  He sighed and slouched down a bit.

  What now?

  “We’ve never talked about being safe with—”

  “Oh no, not doing this, Dad.” I shook my head and took an instinctive step back. “CliffsNotes version…” What to say? “I’m not stupid. The internet tells you everything. I’ll be safe. He’s nice. Now I have to go. Bye, Dad.”

  I was a coward. I ran right out the front door.

  By the time I got to the car, Kyle was clearly worried and getting ready to climb out. Opening the door, I threw myself into his passenger seat and shook my head as I buckled the belt. “Nothing’s wrong. My dad saw us and tried to give me some kind of safe-sex-we-love-you lecture. I’m ready to die, so can we just leave?”

  Kyle relaxed in his seat and started to laugh. “Not the kind of embarrassment you like, huh?”

  “Eww, gross. No.” I sounded like a girl who’d seen a bug.

  Kyle tried to hide his laughter, but he wasn’t very good at it. “At least they don’t hate you.”

  I let my head flop back against the seat and sank down as far as the belt would let me. “You’re right. I should have handled it better but in my defense, he blindsided me as I was walking out the door. We didn’t even have the normal sex lecture. Why did he think the gay safe sex version was a good idea?”

  “Do you think he spent the afternoon looking up gay sex online?” Kyle was having way too much fun torturing me.

  “Don’t put that image in my head!” That was all I needed.

  He was still cackling when we got to his house. He didn’t live that far. And it wasn’t stalking to look someone up online and then drive by th
eir house. It was being well-prepared in case there was a zombie apocalypse and I needed to find strong guys to form an alliance with.

  See? Practical.

  We went inside, and the house felt empty. When my parents were at work and I was alone, the house never felt like it was just me. I could feel them everywhere. Sometimes it was suffocating. Kyle’s house felt like a nice hotel, empty and sterile.

  Leading me into the kitchen, he grabbed sodas out of the fridge. “Just set your bag by the table. I ordered pizza before I went to pick you up. It should be here soon. Pepperoni and sausage.”

  “How did you know that’s what I liked?”

  He snorted. “You ordered it at least three times a week at school. How could I forget?”

  “Stalker much?” Not that I was bothered by it.

  He shifted and all of a sudden had this predatory look to him. It was sexy. “Somebody had to walk past my table a dozen times every lunch.”

  Yeah, I’d done it as much as I thought I could get away with. Evidently, I wasn’t stealthy. “No idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure. And when I’d call you names, you’d give me that look like you wanted to be bent over the table and fucked right there.” He wasn’t any closer, but I could almost feel him wrapped around me again. “You made me crazy.”

  He started walking toward me and it was like being stalked by a lion. I could imagine being eaten alive. He’d take me apart piece by piece but it’d be worth it. He was so close I could almost feel him pressing against me…when the damned doorbell rang!

  Chapter 4


  Nick looked like he wanted to shoot the pizza guy—not that I could blame him. It was probably a good thing because I kinda thought we needed to talk before physical shit got out of hand again. We had to go over a few points to make sure we were both on the same page.

  After paying for the food, I headed back to the kitchen. Watching Nick while he looked around the room, I wondered what he thought of it. It was big and bright but all the shiny countertops and stainless steel appliances seemed like something you should see on TV, not in a real house.

  I set the box down on the counter and pointed to the cabinet. “Hey, get some plates. We can go eat in the living room.”

  While he went over to get them, I picked up our sodas. We grabbed the food and headed into the family room. It was just as bad as the kitchen, but at least the TV was big and the couch was comfortable. Sitting down on the floor by the coffee table, I grabbed the remote.

  I flicked through the channels and found an old Bond movie that wasn’t too bad and tossed the remote down on the couch. “So how long have you been into the whole humiliation thing?”

  He choked on his pepperoni and glared at me. When he could breathe, he started in on me. “Wait until I’m not going to choke to death before you ask me shit like that!”

  Someone was itching for it.

  I could see it in his eyes. It was just like in school. I’d say something, and he’d push it for the thrill. “I’d watch it if I were you. I still owe you a punishment from last night.”

  He shivered but his expression didn’t say fear—it was pleading to be taken. He mumbled a low apology but didn’t look away. I hadn’t forgotten that he hadn’t answered my question. “Still waiting.”

  He grumbled but backed down and thought about it. “I don’t know. Maybe always. It wasn’t something I noticed until high school. It was vague things at first. Little comments that weren’t sexual but felt…different. Like I wasn’t hearing the same thing everyone else was.”

  Now he looked down at the floor, ignoring his food. “Do you think it’s weird?”

  I had to think about it because I wasn’t sure I could explain it. “Maybe? But I get it. I just don’t know why I get it.” I shook my head. “That didn’t make sense.”

  Nick barked out a laugh. “No, it didn’t. But I kinda understand.”

  “I didn’t get it at first. I thought I was crazy. I’m not a mean guy, but with you, it was different. I loved making you squirm and getting a reaction from you. I stumbled onto this video one time, just a little amateur clip where this guy was saying crazy things but the other guy was clearly getting off on it. Then I thought of you and it clicked.” I shrugged, trying not to feel weird talking about it.

  “So you don’t mind?” His question was hesitant. It was easy to guess how mixed up he was about it. I was in the same boat.

  “No. I mean, all the time might be weird. I kinda like hanging out with you like this but yesterday was good. What did you think?” Did he think it felt weird?

  He looked up, a naughty gleam in his eyes. “It was awesome. Not even going to try to play cool. Completely perfect.”

  An invisible weight lifted from my shoulders. I thought I’d read him right, but I’d panicked a little when I’d gotten home. Calling someone I liked a slut and shoving them around wasn’t how I usually flirted. Not that I’d done much dating. My obsession with Nick had pushed everyone else to the side.

  “Good. But one more thing. We need a safeword in case it goes too far or you don’t want to keep going when we’re…doing it.” I sounded like an idiot.

  Nick blinked at me and I could see the fantasies rolling around in his head. I leaned over and bumped his shoulder, bringing him out of it. “Not helpful right now. Imagine dirty things after you answer my question, slut.”

  He blushed, shifting, so I knew he was getting hard. “I…I…um…how about we do the stoplight thing…green is go…that kind of…thing…”

  “Sounds good.” The stuff running through his head had to be good if he was that distracted. He was going to stay that way for a while because it wasn’t time to play yet; I had a plan for later. Standing up, I picked up the plates. “Let’s finish watching the rest of the movie before we have to go to work.”

  Nick looked surprised to see the TV on but nodded. “Sure.”

  When I came back from the kitchen, I sat down in the corner of the couch where it was the deepest. It was one of those L shaped couches that had plenty of room for two. Not that I’d had anyone over to try it out with. “Come up here.”

  Nick shivered and blinked at me but followed directions. Just something simple like telling him instead of asking him got the guy going. It was fun. We seemed to still get along when things were normal, but one little comment would set him off and I could see the desire radiating from him.

  I stretched out on the couch and made him lie between my legs with his back to my chest so I could hold him while we watched the movie. Wrapping my arms around him, I behaved myself for the most part. Well, in the beginning. After a while, the urge was too hard to fight. And it wasn’t like he wanted me to behave anyway. He wanted me to be rough and firm.

  We were more than halfway through the movie when I gave in. Loosening my grip, I pushed his arms down to the side and started rubbing his chest. His breathing changed right away, and he froze. “Stay still. I’m going to play with my slut while I watch the movie.”

  A breathy whine escaped, but he nodded and actually managed to talk. “Yes, Sir.”

  Slipping my hands under his T-shirt, I worked them slowly up to his nipples. His body was tight but not defined the way mine was. He was sexy and smooth and it gave me ideas for other things to tease him about. I reached for his nipples and started flicking them with my fingers at first. No pattern, just randomly to feel him wiggle.

  He let out more moans and fidgeted. “Stay still, slut. You heard me.”

  That made the needy squirming worse. I couldn’t see the outline of his cock through his jeans—they were too baggy, but I knew he’d be hard as a rock. I loved the way I could tease him and keep him hard and no one would notice. He’d probably thought I was kidding before, but I had every intention of getting him desperate and putting a cock ring on him then taking him out to run errands or some kind of shit like that.

  He’d go crazy.

  He tried to stay still, but by the time I started t
ugging on them and pinching the tips he was moaning like a porn star. “Look at what a slut you are, little guy. Lying here moaning and probably hard as a rock. Not that I can tell. Your little guy isn’t even big enough for me to tell.”

  Part of me still felt weird teasing a guy about the size of his junk. But damned if it didn’t set him off like a firecracker. He started shaking and these sexy whimpers came out. He was going to come, but that wasn’t the plan. “Have I given you permission to come yet, slut?”

  He shook his head, and it took two or three tries before he could answer. “No, Sir.”

  “Don’t forget that. Just because I’m playing with my slut doesn’t mean you get to come.”

  He moaned and pressed back against me but didn’t orgasm; it looked close though. “Yes, Sir.”

  Continually teasing him, I kept him right at the edge of crazy. He was perfect. Needy and desperate but he didn’t ask for more. He just took what I gave him. I don’t know if it was the me being in charge part or that he knew he was being used because that’s what I wanted, but he was so turned on it was fun.

  I’d already jerked off twice earlier, but it wouldn’t take much to make me come again. He had to feel my cock pressing against him because every time he wiggled he was basically jerking me off. When the movie was over and we had just a few more minutes before we had to get ready to go, I turned off the TV. “Stand up, slut.”

  It took Nick a minute to make his body work enough to actually rise. I was afraid he’d fall or something, but he managed it. I rose and stood close so I towered over him. He looked up and licked his lips, eyes still glassy and unfocused.

  “You’ve been naughty. You came last night without permission and you didn’t sit still on the couch. You knew better both times, didn’t you?” I growled out the words, loving the way he shivered.

  “Yes, Sir. I was bad and I’m sorry.”

  “Naughty sluts don’t get to be sorry; they have to be punished.” To me, it almost sounded like bad porn but Nick was eating it up. He nodded and swayed on his feet before he caught himself.